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I was born in Rize.

I have completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Rize.

In 2006, I have started my bachelor degree at  the Painting Department of Atatürk University Fine Arts Faculty.ı have completed my education at  Prof.Mehmet Kavukçu’s Workshop in 2010.

In 2011, ı earned my master degree in Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences Painting Main Art. In 2014, I have worked with Assist. Assoc. Evren Cetin Kavukcu dissertation titled 'Interpretation of the Masterpieces of Contemporary Art' in his consultancy.I have graduated at School of Social Sciences the Department of Painting Main Art with an average of 3.56 grades. Currently I am doing my Doctoral degree at the Atatürk University Institute of Social Sciences and Art Proficiency Program.

During my both bachelor and Master Degree , I have worked as an assistant at the Photography Workshop with Assoc. Erhan Mutlugün on Serigraphy Workshop with Bünyamin Özgültekin, Prof. Fikret Haşimov and Evren Kavukcu.

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